R u l e s a n d E t i q u e t t e

dog reading book during daytime
dog reading book during daytime

Easy things to remember to make Pickleball fun for everyone

Pickleball is a social game at Luther Burbank. Enjoy the fresh air, each other's company, and the thrill of a shot well played.

Everyone is welcome. No reserving courts, rotate in based upon paddles stacked behind the center court. If your paddle is not on the ground, don't expect to rotate in. ​ You may only move your paddle in the stack to play up where an additional player is needed, or back if you want to play with a different group. You may NOT move someone else's paddle for your own interest or convenience.

Other important rules, thanks to Conrad Hanson and MICEC house rules adopted for Luther Burbank:

  • The team on the North side of the court (i.e., closest to the walkway coming from the north parking lot) serves first to start the game.

  • When other players are waiting, all players should clear the court when the game ends and announce “court open” to those waiting.

  • Prairie-dogging and “no one’s looking rematches” are not permitted while others are waiting

  • To establish rotation onto the court, the “stacked-paddle” process (i.e., placing paddles in groups of 4) is used to determine the next group to go out when a court opens up (See Paddle Stacking Protocol following)

  • Play safe and under control.

  • Do not run into another court and risk injury to others or yourself

  • Inform all new players of the yellow pickleball painted lines, differentiated from the white tennis lines.

  • Rule 4.A.4/4.L – SERVICE FOOT FAULT: it's easy to regularly step on the back line and/or into the court while serving, or serve while standing outside the imaginary extension of the sidelines. Luther Burbank playing is lenient on this rule and in "non-competitive" games would not normally call a fault for this infraction. However, always remind the offending server that he/she faulted and to back up to avoid stepping on the line, or move inside the sidelines when serving.

  • Rule 4.A.5 – THE VOLLEY SERVE: "Side-arm" serves and/or strike the ball above the waist during the serves are faults, however play at Luther Burbank is lenient on this rule and in "non-competitive" games would not normally call a fault for this infraction. However, always remind the offending server that his/her serve is illegal or questionable at best.

  • Rule 11.F – INJURY DURING RALLY - contrary to the Rulebook, at Luther Burbank if any player falls or otherwise becomes injured or incapacitated during a rally, play stops immediately and the point replayed when the player can continue.

Reminder of Certain Specific Rules:

  • If a broken or cracked ball changes the outcome of a rally, it should be a replay (Rule 11.E)

  • If anything a player is wearing or carrying lands on the court, it becomes part of the court. Therefore, if the ball hits the item on the court, the ball remains in play (Rule 11.H) However, if anything a player wears or carries falls in the kitchen (aka the “non-volley zone”) , it is a fault If a player, or player's clothing or paddle touches the net or net posts , it is a fault (Rule 7.G)

  • If the ball strikes the player's paddle hand , the ball is in play; if it strikes any other part of the player or player's clothing it is a fault (Rule 7.H)

  • It is a fault if, in the act of volleying the ball (i.e., hitting it in the air), the player's momentum causes the player or anything the player is wearing or carrying to touch the non-volley zone or touch any non-volley line, or touch anything that is touching the non-volley zone, including the player’s partner. It is a fault before the player touches the non-volley zone (Rules 9.B/9.C)

  • If a player has been in the kitchen or touched the kitchen line, for any reason, the player cannot volley the ball (i.e., hit it in the air) until have reestablished contact on the surface completely outside the kitchen (Rule 9.D)

  • If the ball travels between the net and the net post, it is a fault against the striking player (11.L.2.)

  • Players may call non-volley zone faults and service foot faults on the opponent’s side of the court. If there is any disagreement among players about the called fault, a replay shall occur (Rule 13.D.1.b.)

USA Pickleball Rules

Like most places, we mostly follow USA Pickleball official rule book. This allows those playing at Luther Burbank or MICEC to have the same experience as they would on Bainbridge to Long Island. There may be a bit more swearing in Long Island, though. Or maybe not, depending upon who is playing.

The official rule book can be found on the USA Pickleball website. They also have a ton of other useful information, including how to play, where to play, and tournaments. ​ Select this button to download the USA Pickleball rules.