Court Construction Updates

June 13, 2023 - Redesigns in the works

The community voices were heard

100 people responded to last week's request to comment on the preliminary designs. Your responses were reviewed by City staff and the design architect. Here is a quick summary of the vote for each design:

  • 72% favored an 8 court design

  • 14% wanted 10 courts

  • The remaining liked the stadium court designs or responded with comments but no preference

Additionally, 48% of the folks responding wrote passionately about the courts being positioned in a north-south direction, avoiding the glare of the rising or setting sun. 24% also wrote in about fencing around each of the courts.

The designs will be modified for 8 courts in a north-south direction and fencing around each court. This will give us ample room from side-to-side, but will be a little tight with some of the baselines. Note the court fencing will be 4 feet high, and the existing south tall fence remains with the same three gates as is.

The design architect, in reviewing the responses, had the quote of the day: "Pick your compromise." That's the reality of working with the dimensions of the existing Luther Burbank court area. They have to work within the present property as well as the terrace with mature trees and concrete walls. Right now the clock is ticking for construction to begin this year; spending too much time on amenities and options could slow this down to the point construction would not be until 2024.

Simply put, lighting right now is unlikely due to feasibility and cost. The existing site makes lighting potentially not possible without significant construction due to the terrace and concrete walls. Lighting could be considered at a later date when a new master plan for Luther Burbank is developed. Lighting also was not in the original scope, and will require much more public feedback, debate, recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Commission, and ultimately approval and funding from the City Council. That pushes the project out beyond this year.

To reiterate from past postings, the construction is in two phases. The first is to repair the surface and pour a new layer of asphalt. New nets will be installed, and lines painted. The asphalt will cure over the winter with our northwest wet and cold weather, but the courts will be open for playing on the asphalt surface. A permanent playing surface will be installed in the spring or early summer depending on warm and dry conditions.

The new designs will be posted here as soon as available. An alert will be sent out via email.

What's next: This project, going back a few years, was initially for tennis and pickleball. The Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) earlier this year unanimously amended it to be dedicated pickleball. The PRC will need to approve the design its July meeting. It is then forwarded for to the City Council for approval, including the courts to be dedicated pickleball. This would also be in July.

If you are interested in helping to make sure this project starts this year, please send an email to

July 18, 2023 - City Council final approval for construction

The Mercer Island City Council voted today to approve the Pickleball Court Configuration for Luther Burbank Park Sport Court Renovation. City Staff has been directed to complete the project.

Why was this vote necessary? The original project and King County grant application called for tennis and pickleball courts to be designed. As such, the Council needed to approve the change for only Pickleball to be permanently installed.

What's next? City Staff will finalize the design in the coming weeks, apply for permits and schedule the construction. Most likely the courts will be closed for 6-8 weeks starting sometime in October. For those that might be new, 8 Pickleball courts will be installed with a North/South orientation, painted and fenced by the end of this phase. The courts will open, although the surface will be just asphalt through the winter. The asphalt will cure through the wet and cold, and any iron in the mix will rust out. The rust will be power washed off in the spring, and a final sports court surface will be applied with the nets and fences re-installed. This needs to be during a warm and dry spell, so they will work around the weather and apply it as soon as feasible.

Perhaps we'll have a court dedication and a debut tournament at next year's July Summer Celebration! The Dink On Mercer Island club has already started having those discussions with the City's Recreation Manager.

Next update will be when construction is scheduled with more detail of the work that will be done. There will probably be a few polls for you to provide feedback on different ideas for the courts and for the club itself. Send your comments to

July 8, 2023 - Redesign sent to City Council for approval

The Mercer Island Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) approved the redesign at its July 6th meeting, and recommended the City Council to move forward with the dedicated Pickleball courts at Luther Burbank. It is expected the City Council will take action on its July 18th meeting.

The redesign includes 8 courts in a north-south direction.

After the City Council approves, the City Staff will continue to refine the design as it prepares the construction schedule. This fall the initial phase of surface preparation, repair, and if needed, replacement areas will occur. A top coat will be poured so the courts are level and drain appropriately. Expect the courts to be closed for 6-8 weeks, after which it will be game on! There will be a playable hard concrete surface with lines painted and nets installed. This will continue to cure over the winter. In the spring, the final sports surface will be applied depending upon enough warm and dry days.

Lights will not be part of this design, nor will shelters. The City will work on a donation policy for benches or other amenities.

If you want to follow the discussion from yesterday's PRC meeting, you can find it here. As always, send any questions to

white and gray dumpy level
white and gray dumpy level

September 5, 2021 - Construction delayed until Spring

City is confident that courts will be finished as planned, completed by early summer

City Staff notified the Parks and Recreation Commission that permit requirements would push out the construction window past fall. Due to the amount of dirt on the south side of the courts needed to be displaced for heavy equipment, a seismic study would be required for the permit. Unfortunately, this would close the window on the first phase of construction. Rather than the two phases in the original plan, the construction would be consolidated, allowing for the courts to be completed on time in late spring/early summer, very much dependent on Mother Nature's cooperation. Hopefully we get all the precipitation in the winter, and dry days as the spring rolls around.

If all goes well the courts will be ready for a formal inauguration and possibly a friendly exposition at Summer Celebration. Additionally, Dink On Mercer Island (DOMI) has been talking to the MI Rotary Club about a major "Fall Classic" tournament to take place, likely using both Luther Burbank and MICEC courts.

So while we are all disappointed in the delay, the final result should be the same.