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Events and Socializing:
#1: Interested in attending a member only meeting at MICEC, which would require us to rent a room:
50% want to meet
33% said maybe
17% would skip the meeting, not interested.
#2: How about a member sponsored gym rental?
37% are in favor
26% would if can invite others
26% maybe yes, maybe no
11% said no, they will sit out
#3: Would you pay an annual dues for membership:
50% would pay a nominal fee
19% said yes to a fee but not to subsidize gym rentals or other events
31% do not want to pay dues, ever
#4: Glow in the dark pickleball/gym rental:
68% would love to try it out
#5: BYOB Pickleball night/gym rental:
37% said they are game
26% would play but stay sober to win
37% don't think drinking and pickleball mix. They'll stay away.
Sponsored tournaments on Mercer Island:
50% said yes;
35% said maybe
15% said no;
How many days should they be:
40% would like to see 2 day tournaments
30% said 1 day only, on a weekend
30% haven't wrapped their heads around tournaments
Exclusive members only tournaments?
60% want it open to all, with a member's discount
25% just want it open to all
15% want it exclusive as a member perk
Number of tournaments over spring and summer:
55% want 2 tournaments
30% want 1
15% do not want to see any tournaments
Should Dink On Mercer Island partner with others for managing tournaments?
60% said yes, tournaments are a lot of work
40% said maybe, depending on the details
Raising funds for Dink On Mercer Island pickleball club:
77% said they would pay $20 a year
32% said they would prefer to pay for events, like tournaments
26% said they would happily donate at a fundraiser
Why more than 100%? You were not limited to only one answer. The remaining answers were statistically insignificant.
So you know, the club is likely to combine those top three: there will be fundraisers, and likely an annual membership fee, with a member rate for event participation (non-members will pay more).
How many emails would you like to see from us?
65% said send emails whenever there is news to share
27% preferred no more than once a week, and only when important
8% said once a month, and only when news to share
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© 2025 Dink On Mercer Island. All rights reserved. Now go and play.
Dink On Mercer Island is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization